Thursday, November 18, 2010

Response to Part 3 of Neuromancer

In the third part of William Gibson's novel, Nueromancer, Case and his team land in the space city of Zion. It is popular custom there to smoke marijuana and the reoccuring theme of addiction resurfaces again. The people there are addicted to the drug and hallucinate things happening. An example of this is when a man explains a baby coming out of his forehead when he was high. Zion has many parallels with common cultural stereotypes associated with Jamaica. This idea is cemented when the team uses a ship named the Marcus Garvey, who was an inspiration to the Rastafari movement in Jamaica.
After leaving Zion the team arrives in a city themed as Paris. Here Case is finally confronted with his addiction and caves in when he meets Cath and her dealer Bruce who give Case a central nervous system stimulant called Betaphenethylamine. Case is incapable of even slicing his steak at dinner later at night as a result of the drug which makes Armitage suspicious. Case's addiction is strong enough to violate Armitage's trust, which makes his reliance becomes much more than previously thought.
Case is also finally confronted by Wintermute who makes case hallucinate Lucy being alive and talks to him in the form of Julius Dean. He interacts once more with Case in his hotel room and the reader finds out more about Artificial Intelligence and it's potential in the chapter from Dix, a dead friend who Case talks to in the Matrix.